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Remote Live Education Virtual Classroom Solution

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What is a Virtual Classroom?

A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom or training room. Instructors teach and participants learn in real-time, face-to-face, but through internet-enabled technology devices. This is easily achieved with the whiteboard on the screen in the classroom or meeting room. Brainstorming, thoughts and discussions happen in real time. Tests are done before and after the session. Reports are ready immediately after the session ends.

Everything is just like in a normal classroom education. The only difference is that an online classroom uses technology to support teaching and learning.


What are the advantages of the virtual classroom?

It offers more flexibility than a traditional classroom. You can transmit your trainings to users in different locations at the same time. Both instructors and students have extensive experience collaborating with students and instructors from different parts of the world. Class attendance is automatically tracked. In addition, online learning includes more communication tools such as user-to-user chat, open discussion boards, polls, multimedia content and social media.

Online classroom software works the same for businesses. With a standalone application, you can train your employees, vendors, partners and customers face-to-face in real time or integrate with your website, CMS, ERP or LMS. Training can take place even when stakeholders are on the go. They can access the e-Learning materials and join the live session from their smartphone, tablet or laptop.


Virtual Classroom System

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HD Video Conferencing

Have face-to-face conversations with enhanced audio-video quality. The full-screen conference mode provides quality video and the 5-way audio-video layout with automatic speaker recognition enlivens the true classroom experience. Enjoy unobstructed interactive live online classes with low resolution online video and unlimited anechoic audio output for better results.

Server Side Recording

During live streaming, server-side recording automatically runs in the background. The recording is captured directly on our server, meaning it does not consume device computing resources. It's possible to show and join classes on devices with low-end CPUs, as there is no loading from your and your participants' devices.

Advanced Interactive Whiteboard

The interactive online whiteboard has full screen mode that creates a larger workspace. You can open multiple whiteboards to show diagrams, upload presentations, images, and even play videos from your computer without any hassle. Ready-to-use advanced geometric shapes and graphics make it easy to teach math and statistics. You can annotate an existing file or image to describe and comment on it. You also get the option to choose different colors from the color palette.

Real Time Online Training

Encourage real-time interactions with your students during the live class. You can transfer audio or video control to the participants in the session. With the live poll option, you can create a poll to ask questions or get feedback. Students can use the live chat feature and the Raise of Hand feature to ask questions. With the live screen and app sharing option, instructors can share their screens in real time and provide remote assistance.

File Support

Upload text, audio, video, PPT and HTML files in different formats (PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, WAV, WMA, MP3, MOV, AVG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, JPEG, GIF, PNG) .

Easy Management

You can define roles and permissions for individual participants and manage your ongoing sessions with a range of in-class features. Access to automated post-session reports on the classroom lets you measure your students' progress and make data-driven decisions.

API and Plugins

Use our API library to integrate live class functionality into your website.

LMS (Distance Education Management)

If you want, you can use it in an integrated way with our distance education solution. Click for more information about our distance education system.



Recording and Playback

You can watch the sessions you want by recording


Whiteboard controls let you annotate important parts of your presentation.

Screen sharing

You can publish your desktop for all users to see.


Users of Chrome and FireFox browsers benefit from high-quality, low-latency WebRTC audio.


You can upload any PDF presentation or MS office document.

Web Cam

Multiple users can share the webcam at the same time. There is no built-in limit for the number of simultaneously active webcams.

Hand Raise

Students raise their hands and can use emoji icons for feedback.


You can send surveys to your students at any time to increase participation.


You can interact with students through public and private chat.

Live Caption

You can enter live captions for students. These subtitles will appear as subtitles in the recordings later.

Team Rooms

For more teamwork, you can divide students into groups and place them in rooms.

Screen Reader

Visually impaired students can use the JAWS screen reader to interact.

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0(850) 885 1799


Ataşehir, İstanbul, Türkiye

Mersin Teknopark, Türkiye

Enfield, London, United Kingdom

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