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E - Learning

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E-learning; It can be defined as a Web-based education system offered on a platform with internet or a computer network. The biggest difference of e-learning from the traditional education model is that apart from the technological innovations it contains. entails a radical change. This approach; It is a model that puts the individual in the center, motivates him/her to reach information and gives priority to him/her. With e-learning, the teacher and the student do not need to be in the same environment and at the same time. educational activities can be carried out.
Benefits of e-learning
·  It creates educational opportunities anytime, anywhere. The student decides for himself when he wants to learn.
·  It realizes faster and more effective learning. For example; While the reminder rate in reading a book is 20%,This ratio is used in recalling visually supported texts based on sound, image and multiple interactions.It goes up to +40.
·  It is learner-oriented education. E-Learning shifts the focus of learning from teacher-focused to learner-focused.Students feel responsible for their own education with e-learning. This is the individual's own learning. provides the opportunity to manage the process and develop their plans. students in line with their interests and abilities. can determine the content, purpose, duration and speed of the subject they want to learn.
·  It provides the opportunity to reach more people with less administrative workload.
·  It provides cost advantage. In the examinations made, 30% to 70% of the costs in terms of institutions
·  Success and development can be monitored more easily both institutionally and individually.
   By eliminating the barriers of time, distance and socio-economic status, it provides individuals with lifelong provides the opportunity to benefit from educational superiority.
 Scope of e-Learning
·  When we say e-Learning, at first glance, we think of Web-Based material preparation and transmission.Although the internet has come, the universe of E-Learning is quite wide. In this universe:
-  Distance Learning
-  Virtual Classrooms
Virtual Classrooms
You can provide live broadcast training to your students and employees by creating virtual classrooms. You can publish instant surveys, share videos, presentations and manage them as a real classroom environment. More information..
Distance Learning
Distance Education, which has names such as Online Education, Virtual Education, Published Education, is network and web-based education. It is a corporate training activity where students, teachers and teaching materials in different places are brought together through communication technologies. The most preferred platform in distance education applications is SCORM.


Modular System

Looking at the history of computer technologies; once a software with programming languages producing was no different than writing a book. Today, small scales are used to eliminate such problems. Programs with a modular structure consisting of parts started to be produced and more complex structures became more complex.
It was produced quickly and easily. These developments in object-oriented programming languages composed of content pieces that are meaningful only where they are, like puzzle pieces, and It has also positively affected the e-learning software programmed in this way. Based on the modular structure domain programming languages ??are called object-oriented programming languages. modular The system is to complete the whole by inductive method by dividing the whole into the most useful parts. In the modular system, each module has a certain workload. The workload of the module is the entire program It is calculated taking into account the expected tasks for the relevant module. In these systems A modular structure emerges that can easily combine with each other, interact with the LMS and work quickly.
Basic Modules of the Distance Education System Prepared
  1. Online application Module; Kullanıcıların sorunsuz şekilde online başvuru işlemini gerçekleştirebilmesi ve takip edebilmesini sağlamaktadır.
  2. Users and user groups Module; It ensures that the added user can access the system and use the authorized areas. It ensures that the updated user group information takes its new form in the whole system.

  3. Roles and authorizations module; The fact that the created role is defined and accessible in the system ensures that this role can be assigned to users and that the updated role takes its new form in the system.
  4. Title identification module; It ensures that the added titles are defined and accessible in the system.
  5. Institution/School Identification Module;It ensures that the added institutions/schools are defined and accessible in the system.
  6. Section Identification Module;It ensures that the added sections are defined and accessible in the system.
  7. Training Catalog Module; It ensures that new programs are successfully registered to the system and that users can see all the programs in the system.
  8. Courses Module;It ensures that the course contents are successfully recorded in the system and that the users can see the courses in the system.
  9. Weekly Curriculum Module; It ensures that the hours entered into the system can be accessed by the users and that the Chat Time can be seen in the weekly course schedule.


Please contact us to get information about the Distance Education (E-Learning or E-Learning) solutions we have developed as CREAMOBILE.  Click to contact us.



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