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We were in the Bestup App startup project with backend software, analysis and api developments

Main Page News We were in the Bestup App startup project with backend software, analysis and api developments

Bestup App is an interactive mobile application that organizes real money award-winning voice contests. It is a platform that makes money for both singers and those who vote as judges. Users can create their own teams as a jury member, evaluate the performance of the competitors, include the competitors they like in their teams and earn money. In addition, users can participate in the competition and win prizes by publishing their own performances through the application.


The Bestup Application attracts the users' impression with many features. Here are the description features:

Bestup App has a user-friendly application and can be used easily. Users can join contests immediately after downloading the app. Through the application, they can evaluate the performances of the assistants as a member of the jury or they can upload their own performances.

  • Real Money Rewards: Bestup App is an app that offers real money rewards. Users who evaluate the contestants as a member of the jury and are included in the winning team earn cash prizes. In addition, contestants can also win cash prizes.
  • Team Building: Users can create their teams as jury members and evaluate the performances of the competitors on behalf of their teams.
  • Participation in the Contest: Users can participate in the contest and win prizes by publishing their own performances on the application.
  • Performance Evaluation: Users can give points by evaluating the performances of the competitors. The contestants with the highest score advance to the next round and win prizes.
  • Prizes: The app allows contestants to win prizes. The awards include different options such as releasing a single, shooting a video clip, performing a duet with a celebrity.

In terms of the reward system, Bestup App sets itself apart from other similar apps by offering real cash rewards. These awards are given to the contestants with the best performances determined by the members of the jury. The amount of these prizes is derived from in-app advertising revenue and is split equally among the winning contestants. In this way, users are both rewarded for their performance and have the opportunity to earn money by evaluating the performances of other competitors.

In terms of technical features, Bestup App has an infrastructure developed by Creamobile engineers. The application is a mobile application that uses communication protocols, software and data structure. The database is used to manage performances, user information and reward distribution.

As a result, Bestup App provides a platform where users interact with each other, allowing music lovers the opportunity to showcase their performances and be rewarded. It sets it apart from other similar apps, especially by offering real money rewards. Bestup App brings a new breath to the music industry, offering a powerful platform for the discovery of young talents and the gathering of music lovers.

Bestup App was accepted to the entrepreneurship program of İTÜ Çekirdek and started to benefit from the opportunities offered by the program. ITU Çekirdek program is a program designed to help entrepreneurs develop their business ideas, create business models and grow their businesses. Within the scope of the program, entrepreneurs can gain many benefits such as trainings, mentoring services, office and infrastructure facilities, network and investment support to develop their business ideas and products.

Bestup App also took advantage of this program and used the opportunities offered by ITU Seed to develop the business idea and take the application further. These opportunities include mentoring services, business development and marketing training, providing office and workspace, support of the investment network and other program benefits.

In this way, Bestup App further developed its business idea and application, strengthened its marketing strategies and continued to grow by receiving investment support. Entrepreneurship support programs such as the İTÜ Çekirdek program provide an important resource for new entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem of our country.

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